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RFP - Lease for Fredericton North, NB

Tender Details

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Tender Location :
New Brunswick, Canada
Tender's Issuing Organization :
Alcool NB Liquor
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Tender Summary :
Bid Name : RFP - Lease for Fredericton North, NB
Bid Number : ANBL A106-25

Type : Service

Buyer : Alcool NB Liquor

E3B 5B8 Fredericton
New Brunswick

Publication Date : 10/01/2024
Closing Date : 10/29/2024 01:30:00 PM

Status : Open for Bidding


Business Services/ Supplies
Real Estate Services : Leasing of office space, Property Management, Realtor Consultant, Broker Services, affordable housing, Retail Management / Operation etc.


Alcool NB Liquor
RFP - Lease for Fredericton North, NB
Tender # ANBL A106-25

Closing Date : 10/29/2024 at 13:30 PM

Contact: Contact: Chris Carson
Phone: 506-429-9295
Details: ANBL is ...

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