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RFP for Janitorial Service Contract - Offices & High-Rise Buildings

Tender Details

United States
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Pennsylvania, United States of America
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The Easton Housing Authority, Northampton County - RFP for Janitorial Service Contract - Offices & High-Rise Buildings


Project Details

Project: RFP for Janitorial Service Contract - Offices & High-Rise Buildings
Ref. #: The Easton Housing Authority, Northampton County
Type: RFP
Open Date:
Questions Due Date:
Close Date: 2024-09-27 17:00:00

Contract Type:
Term Contract
County, State:
Northampton County, PA
Project Description:

The Easton Housing Authority (EHA) will now receive sealed bids online via PennBid for the provision of qualified personnel to perform janitorial/painting services for vacant housing units managed by the Easton Housing ...

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