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Request for proposal to provide shared-ride taxi service in the City of Mauston

Tender Details

United States
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National, United States of America
Tender's Issuing Organization :
Wisconsin Government
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Tender Summary :
Solicitation Reference #: 2024-01 SRT
Title: Request for proposal to provide shared-ride taxi service in the City of Mauston
Available Date: 7/22/2024
Due Date: 8/22/2024 2:00:00 PM
Are faxed Bids acceptable? No
Are e-mailed bids acceptable? No
Bid Synopsis: Qualified contractors are being sought through this solicitation process to provide the service under contract. The requested service is a door-to-door, demand-responsive, advanced reservation, shared-ride taxi service that is made available to the general public. The scheduled service is normally seven days a week with specified daily hours outlined in this proposal. The system is subsidized with state ...

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